Our Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Gender Equity

At Hohenheim, we are dedicated to fostering a thriving and rapidly changing world through higher education. To achieve this, we recognize the utmost importance of embracing diversity, promoting inclusion, and striving for gender equity in every aspect of our institution.

Our values

The values of diversity, inclusion, and gender equity are deeply ingrained in our mission and directly support our research and educational endeavors. As a university, our core purpose is to cultivate knowledge and its transmission.

We firmly believe that this pursuit cannot be confined to narrow perspectives or limited to the experiences of a few. It is through the convergence of diverse ideas, approaches, and backgrounds that we can tackle complex social issues, make groundbreaking scientific discoveries, and reach new heights of artistic expression.

Our goals

Therefore, at Hohenheim, we are committed to fostering a campus environment where a rich tapestry of cultures, races, ethnicities, genders, political and religious beliefs, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations, and identities can flourish. Such diversity serves as a wellspring of inspiration, sparking new avenues of exploration, fresh analytical frameworks, unexpected breakthroughs, and innovative solutions.

Education thrives when we are exposed to viewpoints and cultures beyond our own, and when our own assumptions and beliefs are challenged. Active engagement across differences broadens our horizons, fosters mutual understanding, guards against complacency, and promotes intellectual breadth.

Our strengths

Our strength as an intellectual community lies in our diversity and the equal treatment of all people. In today's world, excellence and achievement are inextricably linked to diversity. To be active and engaged members of the 21st century community, we must wholeheartedly embrace diversity in all aspects of our lives. Whether in the classroom, the workplace, or on the playing field, we must navigate differences with grace, cultivate empathy, and continually appreciate the value of engaging with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

As researchers, educators, and learners, we must actively respond to the societal changes that result from cultural diversity. The societal challenges we face transcend conventional boundaries. Therefore, we must ensure that our solutions are inclusive, address the needs of all individuals, and incorporate the contributions of diverse communities. By assembling teams with diverse perspectives, we enrich the problem-solving process and ultimately achieve results that benefit the widest range of our diverse society.

Our Vision

Our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and gender equity is an integral part of Hohenheim's long-term vision. It permeates every corner of our campus community and guides our efforts in recruitment, research, education and community engagement.

We stand firm in our pursuit of a learning environment where diversity of thought, experience and approach is celebrated in all facets of our educational and research endeavors. We also strive to create a sense of inclusion and support for every member of our campus community, regardless of background, identity, or affiliation.

We approach these goals with optimism, as we are already engaged in numerous diversity, inclusion, and gender equity initiatives that are showing promising progress. From improving student orientation and academic advising to faculty recruitment and professional development, we are actively evolving to become a more inclusive institution that is consistent with the values we hold dear.

Our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and gender equity is an ongoing journey. We are dedicated to continuous growth and improvement, and are steadfast in our pursuit of an ever better and more inclusive institution that reflects the ideals we hold dear.